Inspired Transformation.
Fort Collins counseling and therapy providing evidence based practice focused on empowerment, inspiration and discovering our best self.
Fort Collins Therapist recommends parents check out Nurtured Heart Approach
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Testimony to Nurtured Heart in Transforming Schools
Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) is a psychological method developed by Marsha M. Linehan to treat patients with borderline personality disorder. (BPD)[1] Research indicates its application to also be effective in treating patients who represent varied symptoms and behaviors associated with spectrum mood disorders, including self-injury.[2] Key elements DBT practitioners emphasize include, behaviorist theory, dialectics, cognitive therapy, and, DBT's central component, mindfulness. There are two essential parts of the treatment, and without either of these parts the therapy is not considered "DBT adherent." An individual component in which the therapist and client discuss issues that come up during the week, recorded on diary cards and follow a treatment target hierarchy. Self-injurious and suicidal behaviors take first priority, followed by therapy interfering behaviors. Then there are quality of life issues and finally working towards improving one's life genera...
The concept of differentiation in everyday terminology would be defined by a person's ability to stand on their own two feet, especially when with the people that they are closest too. The word represents an ability to balance the needs and desires we all have as individuals with the needs and desires we have to be close to others. Our freewill and independence often comes into direct conflict with our desire to be attached to another. If we are too independent or focused on our own desires, wants and needs, we can come off as tyrants, over controlling, insensitive and self centered. If we never stand up for what we want or believe in and we most often give into the desires of our friends, family and loved ones, we come off as weak, easily controlled and spineless. It's the balance that allows us the freedom to express who we are and take into account how we come off and take care of our relationships. The four point that help us become more differentiated are: #1) Having...
From Now in its 20th year, The Nurtured Heart Approach, created by Howard Glasser, Psychologist and Executive Director of Children's Success Foundation, has achieved international acclaim as an essential set of strategies for transforming the most intense children (and all children) to channeling their energies in inspiring ways - without the use of medication. The approach was inspired through the treatment of children who have been labeled as challenging, difficult, or intense - especially those who have been diagnosed on the spectrum of ADHD, ODD, Autism, PTSD, Reactive Attachment Disorder, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Developmental Disabilities, and more. The success of the Approach in helping these children embody their "Greatness," has spurned a movement for "All Children Flourishing." The Approach has been implemented world-wide in schools, foster care systems, community health initiatives, and families with astounding results. ...
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