
Showing posts from December, 2010

Fort Collins therapist recommends checking out Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) definition and benefits for mental health

Wikepedia definition of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and definition of some of its uses for mental health.

Fort Collins therapist recommends checking out Hypnotherapy Benefits

Check out WebMD description of the mental health benefits of hypnotherapy .

Fort Collins therapist recommends checking out Hypnosis Benefits for Anxiety

Checkout information on how hypnosis can help with anxiety .

Fort Collins therapist recommends checking out Hypnosis Benefits for Migraines

John suggests checking out how hypnosis can help with Migraine headaches.

Fort Collins therapist recommends checking out Self Hypnosis Benefits recommended

Fort Collins therapist recommends this web site for information on Self Hypnosis benefits.

Men's Depression Tool Box for Larimer County, Fort Collins and Loveland

Resource offerred through Mental Health Connections for depression in men called the depression tool box .

Depression and Cognitive Behaivoral Therapy (CBT)

Information on Cognitive Behavioral therapy and Depression .

Anxiety, Panic and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Fort Collins therapist recommends the following site for information on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and how it applies to Anxiety .

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy beats Relaxation

Study shows Cognitive Behavioral Therapy better than Relaxation for ADHD.


See, hear, smell, taste and feel inside and out. You are here. Now where do you want go?

Fort Collins Coloradoan Therapy Dogs

Love these pictures!


100% body, mind and soul towards a desired outcome... Failure is not an option! Failure is just part of learning to move forward. Commit to something and don't give up!